Why Exhibit

  • Partnerships with Biggest Companies:

    Establish strategic partnerships with the Biggest Marketing and Distribution Comapnies from across the globe.

  • Highlight Your Products quality:

    Make a powerful impact on the industr by highlighting your product quality & ups amongst serious buyers and international trade visitors.

  • Mett high level buyer & traders:

    your chance to meet high quality buyers and traders who will attend the show.

  • Explore your business:

    Most effective platform to explore india fast growing footwear industry & biggest opportunity for real real business,new sales & great contacts.

  • Cost effective way:

    Best cost effective way to reach out to your audience.

  • Maximum returns:

    Ensuring that you enter the market at the right time to ensure maximum returns.

  • Only Platform:

    Only platform to promote your brands & products among your targeted customers.

  • Visitor Counter:


    IP Based Counter

Contact us

Bldg. No.25. 3rd Floor, Central Market, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi
Phone: +91 11 45051190
Mobile No.: 09555831116, 09810811603, 09311656606 (Office)
Email: footwearindiaexpo15@gmail.com