Why Visit

Footwear India expo - Why Visit.

One of the main benefits of visiting Footwear India Expo is that; it is an opportunity for you to meet hundreds of key business people under one roof and network: with the exhibitors

Visiting Footwear India Expo can be overwhelming, especially when there is over 200+ Leading Footwear Brands under One Roof.

Reasons to visit Footwear India Expo:

·        100+ Exhibition stands with more then 200+ Leading Footwear Brands

·         Connect Directly with Footwear Manufacturers 

·         Stay up-to-date with emerging or changing trends

·         Engage with your industry community locally and globally

·         Network with your peers from across the country and around the world

·         Connect with new suppliers, customers and business partners

·         Test drive the latest products and experience live demonstrations

·         Find new business partners and expand cooperation with existing partners


·         Compare offers from a large number of companies

·         Gain an overview of the market and industry – Footwear India Expo bring together the whole industry worldwide

  • Visitor Counter:


    IP Based Counter

Contact us

Bldg. No.25. 3rd Floor, Central Market, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi
Phone: +91 11 45051190
Mobile No.: 09555831116, 09810811603, 09311656606 (Office)
Email: footwearindiaexpo15@gmail.com